Point-to-Multipoint PMP Equipment

PMP communication networks operate in both licensed and unlicensed frequencies, providing superior performance in a wide range of bands

Cambium Networks’ Point-to-Multipoint solutions operate in both licensed and unlicensed frequencies providing superior performance in a wide variety of bands.
With their sleek design and flexible configuration options, these PMP devices lead the market in terms of speed and ease of installation, reducing both cost and and time-to-market by delivering high performance at exceptionally low operating costs.

Cambium Networks provides best-in-class broadband solutions for service providers and wireless network operators (WISPs) worldwide. Cambium Networks’ innovative technologies offer connectivity that is reliable, secure, affordable, easy to deploy and built to last.

Strengths of Cmabium Networks’ Point-to-Multipoint Solutions
  • Low-cost, low-complexity, low-maintenance infrastructure, with the ability to deploy most applications in a few days and a return on investment in a few months
  • Specially built apparatus for fixed outdoor applications and capable of outperforming other systems in particularly adverse and noisy weather conditions
  • Using GPS synchronization to scale from small networks to region-wide deployments so that networks can grow gradually as subscribers are added and broadband demand continues to grow
  • Consistent and predictable throughput so that customers can get the speeds they expect and be satisfied
  • Low latency so that sensitive applications such as video services, voice, and online games meet customer expectations
  • High spectral efficiency to provide maximum usable throughput in the smallest possible channel so that networks operate reliably in a limited spectrum
  • Rapid deployment time (a few days), enabling network operators to quickly extend broadband connectivity when and where it is needed

Download the Punto-Multipoint family of solutions brochure