Elf Gate Truck Control

Gate with Homologation Decree no. 0000162.06-05-2021 UNI 10772:2016

The system consists of new license plate reading cameras approved under Presidential Decree No. 250 of June 22, 1999, a context camera and a new generation vehicle classification system approved under Decree No. 0000162.06-05-2021 UNI 10772:2016.

Each reading station detects vehicle class based on membership in specific categories; the system takes a photo of the license plate of the passing vehicle as well as a context image.

The system consists of:

  • OCR camera
  • Color context camera
  • Sensor for vehicle classification
  • Variable message panel

Approved system

Approval of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure under Prot. Ministerial No. 0000162 of 06/05/2021.

UNI10772:2016 certified camera

The SELEA Targa X-T806 camera has a built-in dual sensor: OCR sensor + 5 megapixel color context sensor.

Variable message panel

The system includes a remotely manageable light panel.

Vehicle classification system

The system can provide the size, class, license plate number, location, date and time of detection without the use of ground sensors.

Download ELFO Gate Truck presentation